====== Systems - Docker Main - Install Docker Containers - Install Sonarr ======
Sonarr automates TV downloads from public and private trackers.
===== Create the Sonarr Directories =====
Sonarr will store its configuration data in a directory on the Host VM.
On the Ubuntu VM Host, create a directory for this config data.
mkdir /home/peter/sonarr
mkdir /home/peter/sonarr/config
mkdir /home/peter/sonarr/tv
mkdir /home/peter/downloads
**NOTE:** The **downloads** directory will be used by other services too, so not within the **sonarr** directory.
===== Determine the UID and GID =====
On the Ubuntu VM Host:
id peter
uid=1000(peter) gid=1000(peter) groups=1000(peter)...
**NOTE:** Take a note of the UID and GID numbers.
* In this case 1000.
===== Install Sonarr =====
In Portainer:
* Select **Stack**.
* Click **Add Stack**.
* Name: **Sonarr**.
* Web editor:
version: "2.1"
image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/sonarr
container_name: sonarr
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Europe/Jersey
- /home/peter/sonarr/config:/config
- /home/peter/sonarr/tv:/tv #optional
- /home/peter/downloads:/downloads #optional
- 8989:8989
restart: unless-stopped
**NOTE:** Change settings as required.
* **/home/peter/sonarr/config**: This directory will need to be created on the host.
* **/home/peter/sonarr/tv**: This directory contains the TV shows.
* **PUID** and **GUID**: Set to the numbers determined earlier.
* Port **8989**: Change as required.
===== Confirm Sonarr is running =====
Open Portainer.
Press **F5** to refresh.
**NOTE:** This should show the Sonarr container running.
===== Open Sonarr =====
Visit in a browser.
**NOTE:** The IP address is whatever the Ubuntu VM is using.
* The **8989** port is the port configured for Sonarr.
* It is suggested to set this URL in the web browser to be the default loading page.
===== Setup Sonarr =====
Configure as required.
For example, change file naming:
{Series Title} - S{season:00}E{episode:00} - {Episode Title} {Quality Full}
{Series Title}.S{season:00}E{episode:00}.{Episode Title}.{MediaInfo VideoCodec}.{Quality Title}
===== References =====