====== Squid - Alerts ====== [[Squid:Alerts:ET CINS Active Threat Intelligence Poor Reputation IP|ET CINS Active Threat Intelligence Poor Reputation IP]] [[Squid:Alerts:ET DROP Dshield Block Listed Source group 1|ET DROP Dshield Block Listed Source group 1]] [[Squid:Alerts:ET EXPLOIT HackingTrio UA (Hello, World)|ET EXPLOIT HackingTrio UA (Hello, World)]] [[Squid:Alerts:ET SCAN Sipvicious User-Agent Detected (friendly-scanner)|ET SCAN Sipvicious User-Agent Detected (friendly-scanner)]] [[Squid:Alerts:ET POLICY PE EXE or DLL Windows file download HTTP|ET POLICY PE EXE or DLL Windows file download HTTP]] [[Squid:Alerts:ET TROJAN DNS Reply Sinkhole - Anubis -|ET TROJAN DNS Reply Sinkhole - Anubis -]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA Applayer Mismatch protocol both directions|SURICATA Applayer Mismatch protocol both directions]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA HTTP missing Host header|SURICATA HTTP missing Host header]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA STREAM 3way handshake SYNACK with wrong ack|SURICATA STREAM 3way handshake SYNACK with wrong ack]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA STREAM 3way handshake SYN resend different seq on SYN recv|SURICATA STREAM 3way handshake SYN resend different seq on SYN recv]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA STREAM 3way handshake wrong seq wrong ack|SURICATA STREAM 3way handshake wrong seq wrong ack]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA TLS invalid record/traffic|SURICATA TLS invalid record/traffic]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA TLS invalid record type|SURICATA TLS invalid record type]] [[Squid:Alerts:SURICATA UDPv4 invalid checksum|SURICATA UDPv4 invalid checksum]]