====== SED - Delete - Delete all lines of a file with N characters ====== sed -in '/^.\{9\}/d' **NOTE:** May be impacted by the file encoding. Ensure that the issued sed command is UTF-8 encoded **file filename** should say UTF-8 Unicode text. Alternatively, change your terminal and shell settings to UTF-8 **printf à | wc -c** must say 2, not 1. **locale** should list "UTF-8" or "utf8" in the LC_CTYPE line. **iconv -f ^Ctin1 -t utf-8 filename | sed '/^.\{4\}/d' | iconv -f utf-8 -t latin1** ---- sed -s -i -r '/^.{9}$/d' ./*.txt ---- ===== Use AWK ===== awk -v n=5 '{ line = $0; gsub("[^[:graph:]]", "") } length >= 23 { print line }' **NOTE:** Anything over 23 characters it will delete ...you can change 23 to any value.