====== PFSense - VPN - OpenVPN - Configure an OpenVPN Server:Manually ====== TODO: UPDATE - AS INTRUCTIONS ARE A LITTLE OLD. ===== Install the OpenVPN Client Export Utility Package ===== Navigate to **System -> Packages**. * Select the **Available Packages Tab**. * Locate the **OpenVPN Client Export Utility Package** and install it by pressing the **“+”** on the right. ---- ===== Setup your Certs ===== Navigate to **System -> Cert Manager**. * Create a CA. * Select the **CA** tab and create a CA by pressing the **“+”** button. * Populate the fields with the appropriate information, making sure to change method to **Create Internal Certificate Authority**. * Alternatively you can also import your own. (outside the scope of this guide) * Create the server certificate by clicking the **Certificates** tab and pressing the **“+”** button. * Method: **Create an internal Certificate** * Certificate Type: **Server Certificate**. * Fill in the appropriate information and make sure to change the Certificate Authority to that of the CA created earlier. * Create User Certificates in the same way but instead of choosing **Server Certificate** for Certificate type, make sure to choose **User Certificate**. * It is recommended that each individual PC that connects to the VPN have their own certificates created. * Create a revocation list. * It is also not necessary, but recommend. * Click the **Client Revocation** tab, then the **“+”** to add one. * Choose the CA created earlier. ---- ===== Setup the OpenVPN Server ===== Navigate to **VPN -> OpenVPN -> Server**. Press the **+Add** button to create an OpenVPN server. In **General Information**: * Disabled: **Not Checked**. * Server Mode: **Remote Access (SSL/TLS)**. * Protocol: **UDP**. * Device Mode: **tap**. * Interface: **WAN**. * Port: **1194**. * Description: **A suitable description of your server**. In **Cryptographic Settings**: * TLS Configuration: * Use a TLS Key: **Checked**. * Automatically generate a TLS Key: **Checked**. * TLS keydir direction: **Use default direction**. Default. * Peer Certificate Authority: **Select the CA created earlier**. * Peer Certificate Revocation List: **Optional. If you created a Revocation Certificate earlier, then select it.** * Server Certificate: **Choose the server certificate created earlier**. * DH Parameters: **2048**. * ECDH Curve: **Use Default**. * Encryption algorithm: **AES-128-CBC (128-bit)**. * Enable NCP: **Checked**. * NCP Algorithms: **AES-128-GCM**. Default. * Auth digest algorithm: **SHA256 (256-bit)**. Default. * Hardware Crypto: **Choose a hardware crypto engine if you have one**. * Certificate Depth: **One (Client+Server)**. In **Tunnel Settings**: * IPv4 Tunnel Network: ****. Leave blank as not used in tap/bridge mode. * IPv6 Tunnel Network: ****. Leave blank, not used in tap/bridge mode. * Bridge DHCP: **Checked**. * Bridge Interface: **LAN**. * Server Bridge DHCP Start: **Start of your IP address range for remote clients**. * Server Bridge DHCP End: **End of your IP address range for remote clients**. * **NOTE:** DHCP address range should be a range of IP addresses that are within the IP address range of your LAN network. * Redirect Gateway: **Not Checked**. * IPv4 Local Network: ****. This is the address of the LAN network expressed as a CIDR range. * IPv6 Local Network: ****. * Concurrent connections: **2**. * Compression: **Checked**. Reduces bandwidth usage. * Type-of-Service: **Not Checked**. * Inter-client communication: **Checked**. Check this box if you want remote clients to be able to access each other. * Duplicate Connections: **Checked**. Allows multiple connections from the same client, not recommended but may possibly be needed. * Dynamic IP: **Not Checked**. If your router’s WAN IP changes you should check this. * Address Pool: **Checked**. * DNS Default Domain: **Fill this in if you have one**. * DNS Servers: **Set to your local DNS server**. * Click **save** The OpenVPN server should be created. ---- ===== Create the Interface and Bridge ===== Navigate to **Interfaces -> Assignments**. * Add an interface by pressing the **“+”** button. * Against the new interface (possibly OPT1), use the drop down box to choose the OpenVPN Server that was created. * Navigate to **Interfaces -> OPT1**. * Enable the interface and give it a Description * Navigate to **Interfaces -> Assignments**. * Select the **Bridges** tab and then click the **“+”** button to add a bridge. * Hold the **CTRL** button and highlight both the LAN interface and the renamed OPT1 interface just created. ---- ===== Set Firewall Rules ===== Create a firewall rule allowing traffic on your OpenVPN port for the WAN interface. Navigate to **Firewall -> Rules**. * Select the **WAN**. * Press the **“+”** to add a rule and enter the following information: * Action: **Pass**. * Disabled: **Not Checked**. * Interface: **WAN**. * TCP/IP Vesion: **IPv4**. * Protocol: **UDP**. The protocol chosen when creating the OpenVPN server settings, most likely UDP. * Source: * **Not Checked**. * type: **any**. * Address: ****. * Destination: * **Not Checked**. * type: WAN address * Address: ****. * Destination port range: **1194**. Port the OpenVPN server runs on, most likely 1194. * Log: **Not Checked**. * Description: **Provide a description**. Done! ---- ===== Export the client configs ===== Navigate to **VPN -> OpenVPN**. * Select the **Client Export** tab. * You should see an option to export a config for each certificate created earlier. * Its recommended that for Windows you choose the Windows Installer. This will download and install OpenVPN and the config files. You’re done. ---- ===== Test ===== Ping the LAN interface from the VPN Client.