====== PFSense - Troubleshooting - Amazon app reports "Ooops, an error has occurred" ====== Most likely caused by a pfBlockerNG DNSBL entry to block AWS IPs. Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> Reports**. To determine what it being blocked: * Keep refreshing Amazon, and then refresh these reports. ---- Whitelist the following: device-metrics-us.amazon.com aax-us-iad.amazon.com aan.amazon.com mads.amazon.com #amazon mobile shopping aax-us-iad.amazon.com #amazon mobile shopping aan.amazon.com #amazon mobile shopping May need to add these, but try each one individually. These are Google ad domains so probably not required. ad.doubleclick.net googleadservices.com ssl.google-analytics.com s0.2mdn.net **NOTE:** pfBlockerNG's DNSBL does not support wildcard domains. This means that you need to whitelist subdomains individually.