====== PFSense - Squid - Setup completely ======
===== Step 1. Configuring the root Certificate Authority (rootCA) =====
Navigate to **System -> Cert Manager**.
Click the green **Add** button.
* Descriptive Name: **SquidCA**.
* Method: **Create an internal Certificate Authority**. Leave at the default.
* Key length (bits): **2048**. Leave at the default.
* Digest Algorith: **sha256**. Leave at the default.
* Lifetime (days): **3650**.
* Common Name: **internal-ca**. Leave at the default.
* Country Code: **JE**.
* State or Province: **Jersey**.
* City: **St. Helier**
* Organization: **ShareWiz**.
* Organizational Unit: **IT**.
**NOTE:** Alternatively create the CA externally of pfSense.
openssl genrsa -out myProxyCA.key 2048
This will create an rsa key file named myProxyCA.key that we use to sign the pem file we will generate next.
Create a pem file signed with the key:
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myProxyCA.key -sha256 -days 365 -out myProxyCA.pem
This will prompt you to answer some questions to generate the pem file:
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:**JE**
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:**Jersey**
Locality Name (eg, city) []:**St. Helier**
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:**ShareWiz**
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:**IT**
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:**sharewiz.net**
Email Address []:
At this point you should have 2 files:
Import this CA into pfSense:
* Navigate to **System -> Cert Manager**.
* Click the green **Add** button.
* Descriptive Name: **SquidCA**.
* Method: **Import an existing Certificate Authority**.
* Certificate data: **Copy \ Paste the info from myProxyCA.pem file**.
* Certificate Private Key (optional): **Copy \ Paste the info from myProxyCA.key file**.
* Serial for next certificate: **1**.
* Save and apply.
===== Step 2. Configuration of Squid =====
Navigate to **Services -> Squid Proxy Server**.
On the **General Settings** tab:
==== Squid General Settings ====
* Enable Squid Proxy: **Checked**.
* Keep Settings/Data: **Checked**.
* Proxy Interface(s): **LAN & Loopback**.
* Proxy Port: **3128**. You can change this to a custom one if you like.
* Allow Users on Interface: **Yes**.
* Resolve DNS IPv4 First: **Checked**.
==== Transparent Proxy Settings: ====
* Transparent HTTP Proxy: **Checked**.
* Transparent Proxy Interface(s): **LAN**.
==== SSL Man In the Middle Filtering ====
* HTTPS/SSL Interception: **Checked**.
* SSL/MITM Mode: **Splice All**.
* SSL Intercept Interface(s): **LAN**.
* SSL Proxy Compatibility Mode: **Modern**.
* DHParams Key Size: **2048**.
* CA: **SquidCA**. The Certificate Authority created earlier.
* Remote Cert Checks: **Do not verify remote certificates**.
* Certificate Adapt: **Sets the "Not Before" (setvalidbefore)**.
==== Logging Settings ====
* Enable Access Logging: **Checked**.
* Log Store Directory: **/var/squid/logs**. The default.
* Rotate Logs: **7**.
* Log Pages Denied by SquidGuard: **Not checked**.
==== Advanced Features ====
* Custom Options (SSL/MITM):
# YouTube
acl serverIsYoutube ssl::server_name .ytimg.com
#acl serverIsYoutube ssl::server_name .youtube.com
# splice all the rest
ssl_bump splice all
On the **Local Cache** tab:
==== Squid Cache General Settings ====
* Cache Replacement Policy: **LFUDA**.
* Low-Water Mark in %: **90**.
* High-Water Mark in %: **95**.
* Do Not Cache:
* Enable Offline Mode: **Not checked**.
* External Cache Managers:
==== Squid Hard Disk Cache Settings ====
* Hard Disk Cache Size: **50000**.
* Hard Disk Cache System: **aufs**.
* Level 1 Directories: **64**.
* Hard Disk Cache Location: **/var/squid/cache**.
* Minimum Object Size: **0**.
* Maximum Object Size: **2048**.
==== Squid Memory Cache Settings ====
* Memory Cache Size: **3072**.
* Maximum Object Size in RAM: **1024**.
* Memory Replacement Policy: **Heap GDSF**.
==== Dynamic and Update Content ====
* Cache Dynamic Content: **Checked**.
* Custom refresh_patterns: SEE [[PFSense:Squid:Refresh Patterns:Squid Refresh Patterns Master List|Squid Refresh Patterns Master List]].
On the **Antivirus** tab:
==== ClamAV Anti-Virus Integration Using C-ICAP ====
* Enable AV: **Checked**.
* Client Forward Options: **Send both client username and IP info (Default)**.
* Enable Manual Configuration: **disabled**.
* Redirect URL: ****.
* Google Safe Browsing: **Checked**.
* Exclude Audio/Video Streams: **Checked**.
* ClamAV Database Update: **every one hour**.
* Regional ClamAV Database Update Mirror: **United Kingdom**.
* Optional ClamAV Database Update Servers: ****.
===== Step 3. Configuration of SquidGuard Proxy filter =====
Navigate to **Services -> SquidGuard Proxy filter**.
On the **General Settings** tab:
==== General Options ====
* Enable: **Checked**.
==== LDAP Options ====
* Enable LDAP Filter: **Not checked**.
* LDAP DN: ****
* LDAP DN Password: ****.
* Strip NT domain name: **Not checked**.
* Strip Kerberos Realm: **Not checked**.
* LDAP Version: **Version 3**.
==== Logging Options ====
* Enable GUI log: **Checked**.
* Enable log: **Checked**.
* Enable log rotation: **Checked**.
==== Miscellaneous ====
* Clean Advertising: **Checked**.
==== Blacklist options ====
* Blacklist: **Checked**.
* Blacklist proxy: ****.
* Blacklist URL: **http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz**.