====== PFSense - pfBlockerNG - Install pfBlockerNG - Setup IP Blocking ====== ===== IP Configuration ===== Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> IP**. In **IP Configuration**: * De-Duplication: **Checked** * CIDR Aggregation: **Not checked** * Suppression: **Checked** * Force Global IP Logging: **Not checked** * Placeholder IP Address: **** * ASN Reporting: **Disabled** {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:pfsense_pfblockerng_ip_ip_configuration.png?800|}} ---- ===== MaxMind GeoIP configuration ===== Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> IP**. In **MaxMind GeoIP configuration**: * MaxMind License Key: **Enter the MaxMind License Key**. If you don't have a key, register for one on the [[https://www.maxmind.com/|Maxmind Site]]. * MaxMind Localized Language: **English**. * MaxMind CSV Updates: **Not Checked**. {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:pfsense_pfblockerng_ip_maxmind.png?800|}} ---- ===== IP Interface/Rules Configuration ===== Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> IP**. In **IP Interface/Rules Configuration**: * Inbound Firewall Rules: **WAN** and **Block**. * Outbound Firewall Rules: **LAN** and **Reject**. * If you have more than one internal interfaces, press **CTRL** or CMD (for Mac users) and click on each interface to be included. * Floating Rules: **Checked**. * Firewall 'Auto' Rule Order: **Select the top option**. * Firewall 'Auto' Rule Suffix: **auto rule**. * Kill States: **Checked**. {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:pfsense_-_pfblockerng_-_ip_-_ip_-_interface_-_rules_-_configuration.png?800|}} Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the **Save** button. {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:pfsense_pfblockerng_ip_save.png?800|}} **NOTE:** Floating rules are used here, as they keep all the pfBlockerNG rules in one place. Otherwise each interface will have a copy of these rules and therefore harder to maintain. ---- ===== Setup Custom IP Lists ===== ==== IPv4 ==== Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> IP -> IPv4**. * Click the **Add** button. * Give it a **Name** and **Description**. Add in as many **IP Source Definitions** as needed. Set: * Type: **Auto**. * State: **On**. See [[PFSense:pfBlockerNG:pfBlockerNG IP Lists - IPv4|pfBlockerNG IP Lists - IPv4]] {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:install_pfblockerng:pfsense_-_firewall_-_pfblockerng_-_ip_-_ipv4_-_ipv4.png?800|}} ---- In **Settings**: * State: **ON**. * Action: **Deny Both**. * Update Frequency: **Once per day**. {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:install_pfblockerng:pfsense_-_firewall_-_pfblockerng_-_ip_-_ipv4_-_ipv4_-_settings.png?800|}} ---- ==== IPv6 ==== Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> IP -> IPv6**. * Click the **Add** button. * Give it a **Name** and **Description**. Add in as many **IP Source Definitions** as needed. Set: * Type: **Auto**. * State: **On**. See [[PFSense:pfBlockerNG:pfBlockerNG IP Lists - IPv6|pfBlockerNG IP Lists - IPv6]] {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:install_pfblockerng:pfsense_-_firewall_-_pfblockerng_-_ip_-_ipv6_-_ipv6.png?800|}} ---- In **Settings**: * State: **ON**. * Action: **Deny Both**. * Update Frequency: **Once per day**. ---- ==== GeoIP ==== Navigate to **Firewall -> pfBlockerNG -> IP -> GeoIP**. **NOTE:** GeoIP is not used. All Actions are **Disabled**. Reason is that many services, such as AWS, utilize services in other countries, so if a country is blocked this may result in impacting legitimate sites, {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:install_pfblockerng:pfsense_-_firewall_-_pfblockerng_-_ip_-_geoip.png?800|}} ---- ==== Reputation ==== {{:pfsense:pfblockerng:install_pfblockerng:pfsense_-_firewall_-_pfblockerng_-_ip_-_reputation.png?800|}} ---- Return to [[PFSense:pfBlockerNG:Install pfBlockerNG|Install pfBlockerNG]] or continue to [[PFSense:pfBlockerNG:Install pfBlockerNG:Setup DNSBL Blocking|Setup DNSBL Blocking]]. ----