====== PFSense - Packages - Install Package Manually ======
The latest compiled build of packages for FreeBSD can be found at https://pkg.freebsd.org.
Find the package you want, and copy the link.
**NOTE:** To find the package you must first know the version of FreeBSD your pfSense software is on.
This can be done by going to the **System Information** widget on the pfSense Dashboard under the **Version** section.
At the package site, select your FreeBSD version, latest, All.
For example, with pfSense 2.4.5, the FreeBSD version is shown as 11-3. so the package you need might be located at https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:11:amd64/latest/All/.
===== SSH into pfSense =====
**NOTE:** Ensure that SSH is enabled in **System -> Advanced**.
Press 8 to enter the console.
===== Install the Package =====
pkg add -f
===== References =====