====== PFSense - Memory - High Memory Usage ====== ===== Check State Tables ===== Navigate to **System -> Advanced -> Firewall & NAT**. Check the **Firewall Maximum States** and **Firewall Maximum Table Entries** fields. Each State table entry requires about 1 KB of RAM. * The default state table size is calculated based on 10% of the available RAM in the firewall. * For example, a firewall with 1 GB of RAM will default to 100,000 states which when full would use about 100 MB of RAM. * For large environments requiring state tables with several hundred thousand connections, or millions of connections, ensure adequate RAM is available. ---- ===== Check System Activity ===== Navigate to **Diagnostics -> System Activity**. {{:pfsense:memory:pfsense_-_diagnostics_-_system_activity.png?800|}} **NOTE:** This is equivalent of the **top -aSH** command. ---- ===== Check Packages ===== Some packages increase RAM requirements significantly. * Snort and ntop are two that should not be installed on a system with less than 1GB RAM. ---- ===== References ===== https://pfsense-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/monitoring/system-activity.html