====== Oracle - SQL - Table ====== [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Alter Table|Alter Table]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Copy table from foreign host to here|Copy table from foreign host to here]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Create Table|Create Table]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:DBA Table Names|DBA Table Names]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Describe table|Describe table]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Drop Table|Drop Table]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:List all tables in current schema|List all tables in current schema]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:List all tables current user has access to|List all tables current user has access to]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:List top n rows of a table in order|List top n rows of a table in order]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Rename Table|Rename Table]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Truncate Table|Truncate Table]] [[Oracle:SQL:Table:Update Table|Update Table]]