====== Networking - iDRAC - Reset Password ====== ===== How To Reset the Dell iDRAC Password ===== You need physical direct access. 1) This varies by server model but the general process is to power on or reboot the server and press **F2** until you get into the BIOS/SETUP. 2) Navigate to the iDRAC Settings - 3) At this point you can either default everything which will restore the default **root/calvin** login information or you can go to **User Settings** and change the username and password. **NOTE:** Ensure that the user is set to **Enabled** and not **Disabled**. 4) Save the settings, and click the **Finish** Button in iDRAC config; and then click on **Exit** to leave the BIOS and restart. **NOTE:** After this the new password should be active and enabled. ---- ===== Reset Password Did Not Work ===== You still cannot login to iDRAC. Make sure you did Step #4 above RAC0212: Login failed. Verify that username and password is correct. **NOTE:** If in doubt just reset to defaults and be sure the network settings are as you want them (eg. DHCP or Static).