====== Networking - DNS - Unbound - Views ====== Unbound’s views can be used to serve local data depending on the source address a query is received on. * Map views to requests using the **access-control-view** option. * Views can contain zero or more **local-zone** and **local-data** options. * Options from matching views will override global options. **views** were introduced in Unbound 1.6.0. ---- ===== Different Views ===== view: name: "viewname" local-zone: "example.com" redirect local-data: "example.com A" local-data-ptr: " www.example.com" view-first: no view: name: "anotherview" local-zone: "example.com" refuse view: name: "evenanotherview" local-zone: example.com inform local-data: 'example.com TXT "this is an example"' local-zone: refused.example.co.uk refuse **NOTE:** * **name** must be unique. * **local-zone** configures a local zone. * The type determines the answer to give if there is no match from local-data. * **deny** serves local data (if any), else, drops queries. * **refuse** serves local data (if any), else, replies with error. * **static** serves local data, else, nxdomain or nodata answer. * **transparent** gives local data, but resolves normally for other names. * **redirect** serves the zone data for any subdomain in the zone. * **nodefault** can be used to normally resolve AS112 zones. * **typetransparent** resolves normally for other types and other names. * **inform** acts like transparent, but logs client IP address. * **inform_deny** drops queries and logs client IP address. * **inform_redirect** redirects queries and logs client IP address. * **always_transparent, always_refuse, always_nxdomain**, resolve in that way but ignore local data for that name. * **noview** breaks out of that view towards global local-zones. * See https://nlnetlabs.nl/documentation/unbound/unbound.conf/. * **local-data** configures local data. * The query has to match exactly unless you configure the **local-zone** as redirect. If not matched exactly, the **local-zone type** determines further processing. * **local-data-ptr** configures local data shorthand for a PTR record with the reversed IPv4 or IPv6 address and the host name. * **view-first** specifies whether to use Global options if no matching view is found. * With **view-first yes**, it will try to answer using the global local-zone and local-data elements if there is no view specific match. ---- ===== Override DNS queries for specific clients ===== server: ... access-control-view: intview local-zone: "aa." static local-data: "my.aa. IN A" view: name: "intview" local-zone: "aa." static local-data: "my.aa. 90 IN A" **NOTE:** Here the **local-zone** and **local-data** that is defined globally, pointing to, would be used for most DNS queries by default. However, when a query comes in to 127/8, as defined in the **access-control-view** statement, that would be handled by the **intview** view, so would point to ---- Queries to this instance should return the following for my.aa/A: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6565 ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; ANSWER SECTION: my.aa. 3600 IN A ;; Query time: 8 msec ;; SERVER: The view named intview defines an alternative response, which is used when a query comes in to 127/8, as defined in the **access-control-view** statement: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 14806 ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; ANSWER SECTION: my.aa. 90 IN A ;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: There may be multiple view clauses, and options from views matching an access control statement will be used and override global options. On the other hand, global options are used if no matching view is found. **NOTE:** It does not appear to be possible to use views other than for local data. ---- ====== References ====== [[PFSense:pfBlockerNG:Bypass pfBlockerNG for specific clients|Bypass pfBlockerNG for specific clients]] https://jpmens.net/2016/12/20/unbound-supports-views-for-local-data/ https://medium.com/nlnetlabs/response-policy-zones-in-unbound-5d453de75f26 https://blog.nlnetlabs.nl/client-based-filtering-in-unbound/