====== Networking - DNS - Bind - CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) ====== DNS CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) is an Internet security policy mechanism which allows domain name holders to indicate to certificate authorities whether they are authorized to issue digital certificates for a particular domain name. example.org. CAA 1 issue "letsencrypt.org" example.org. CAA 1 iodef "mailto:caa@example.org" ---- ===== Test ===== dig +short -t caa google.com returns: 0 issue "pki.goog" **NOTE:** * **0** means the CA may continue to issue the the certificate if it does not understand the record. It is like a non-crtiical X.509 extension. * **128** means the CA may not issue the certificate if it does not understand the record in question, so this would be like a critical X.509 extension. ---- ===== References ===== https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6844#section-5.1.1