====== Microsoft Excel - Macros - Format - Format Date ====== Dim lastrow_sheet123 As Long ' Get how many rows of data have been loaded into the sheet. lastrow_sheet123 = .Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row ' Prevent line 2 being deleted - as this contains the formulae which need coping down later. If lastrow_sheet123 < 3 Then lastrow_sheet123 = 3 End If ' Convert the date using a formula. ' In order to convert the date it is necessary to use a formula that copies the data from the input file instead of copy/pasting it. .Range("C2").Formula = "=if('DIVI - Auto'!J2>9999999,DATE(RIGHT('Sheet123'!J2,4),MID('Sheet123'!J2,3,2),LEFT('Sheet123'!J2,2)),DATE(RIGHT('Sheet123'!J2,4),MID('DIVI - Auto'!J2,2,2),LEFT('Sheet123'!J2,1)))" ' Change format of date. .Range("C2:C" & lastrow_sheet123).NumberFormat = "yyyymmdd" .Range("C2:C" & lastrow_sheet123).Calculate