====== Kali - Tools - Information Gathering - ace-voip ====== **ACE (Automated Corporate Enumerator)** is a simple yet powerful VoIP Corporate Directory enumeration tool that mimics the behavior of an IP Phone in order to download the name and extension entries that a given phone can display on its screen interface. ---- [[Kali:Tools:Information Gathering:ace-voip|ace-voip]] ace ACE v1.10: Automated Corporate (Data) Enumerator Usage: ace [-i interface] [ -m mac address ] [ -t tftp server ip address | -c cdp mode | -v voice vlan id | -r vlan interface | -d verbose mode ] -i (Mandatory) Interface for sniffing/sending packets -m (Mandatory) MAC address of the victim IP phone -t (Optional) tftp server ip address -c (Optional) 0 CDP sniff mode, 1 CDP spoof mode -v (Optional) Enter the voice vlan ID -r (Optional) Removes the VLAN interface -d (Optional) Verbose | debug mode Example Usages: Usage requires MAC Address of IP Phone supplied with -m option Usage: ace -t -m Mode to automatically discover TFTP Server IP via DHCP Option 150 (-m) Example: ace -i eth0 -m 00:1E:F7:28:9C:8e Mode to specify IP Address of TFTP Server Example: ace -i eth0 -t -m 00:1E:F7:28:9C:8e Mode to specify the Voice VLAN ID Example: ace -i eth0 -v 96 -m 00:1E:F7:28:9C:8E Verbose mode Example: ace -i eth0 -v 96 -m 00:1E:F7:28:9C:8E -d Mode to remove vlan interface Example: ace -r eth0.96 Mode to auto-discover voice vlan ID in the listening mode for CDP Example: ace -i eth0 -c 0 -m 00:1E:F7:28:9C:8E Mode to auto-discover voice vlan ID in the spoofing mode for CDP Example: ace -i eth0 -c 1 -m 00:1E:F7:28:9C:8E ---- ===== References ===== http://ucsniff.sourceforge.net/ace.html https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/packages/ace-voip