====== Gnome - Extensions - Install GNOME Shell extensions manually ====== Visit the [[https://extensions.gnome.org|GNOME Extensions website]] and download the extension with the latest version. **NOTE:** Extensions can be downloaded and installed later, even without needing internet. ---- ===== Steps ===== * Extract the downloaded file. * Determine the the actual extension subdirectory name to create or use. * Open the **metadata.json** file, and look for the value of **uuid**. * **IMPORTANT** The name of the directory where the extension is to be installed must be the same as the value of uuid in the metadata.json file. * Create the directory where the extension is to be installed. * This would be **~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/xxxxxx** directory; where **xxxxxx** is the uuid value determined above. * Copy the extracted extension files to **~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/xxxxxx** directory; where **xxxxxx** is the uuid value determined above. * Restart GNOME Shell. Press **Alt+F2**, and enter **r** and press **ENTER** to restart GNOME Shell. * Restart GNOME Tweaks tool as well. * You should see the manually installed GNOME extension in the Tweak tool now. * The new installed extension can be configure or enabled in the Tweak tool. ---- ===== References ===== https://extensions.gnome.org