====== ffmpeg - Subtitles - Font too large ======
Use **text** instead of **srt**, otherwise the output font sometimes becomes huge.
Need to change **-c:s srt subtitle.srt** to **-c:s text subtitle.srt**.
===== Map a Subtitle =====
ffmpeg -i -map 0:s? -c:s copy # To copy a Subtitle.
ffmpeg -i -map 0:s? -c:s srt # To convert the Subtitle to srt.
ffmpeg -i -map 0:s? -c:s text # To convert the Subtitle to text.
ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel 0 -i subtile.ass -y -c:s srt subititle.srt # To convert ass subtitles to srt.
**NOTE:** The **srt** conversion, can result in huge text.
* Therefore, it is recommended to use the **text** conversion
-c:s text
Instead of
-c:s srt
**NOTE:** SRT, as opposed to ASS, does not contain style information.
* The subtitle font and font size will need to be configured in the playback software.
* An example of srt line:
00:05:55,160 --> 00:05:59,080
subtitle text