====== ffmpeg - Subtitles - Add subtitles from an ASS file ======
An ASS (Advanced SubStation Alpha) file is a subtitle format that supports text styling, animation, and karaoke-like graphics.
* ASS is a text-based subtitle format.
* Any text editor can open .ass files.
ASS is a more advanced subtitle format than SRT since ASS allows for more advanced display features such as text positioning, fonts, animation, and graphics besides the plain text styling.
* SRT is more popular than ASS.
ASS files have INI-style sections.
* Each section is preceded by a line containing the sections name, in square brackets.
* Aside from this, each line is generally composed of: a line descriptor, which tells about what the line is about; a colon; and the line data itself.
* Any whitespace between these parts are allowed.
* Blank lines are also allowed.
* Hard comment lines are preceded by either a semicolon or !: (with "!" as the line descriptor).
* Unrecognized and incorrect line formats are ignored.
===== Adding Soft Subtitles =====
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i subtitle.ass -c copy -c:s mov_text -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng output.mp4
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i subtitle.ass -c copy -c:s srt -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng output.mkv
**NOTE:** Different syntax is used for MP4 and MKV.
* **-c** copy specifies that the video is not to be re-encoded.
* **-c:s mov_text** sets the ASS file to MOV_TEXT format for MP4.
* **-c:s srt** sets the ASS file to SRT format for MKV.
* **-metadata:s:s:0** means to set the metadata for Stream:Subtitle:Number of stream, starting with 0.
* **language=eng** sets the subtitle language to English.
* The value for this option uses the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes|ISO 639]] language code which consists of 3 letters for every language.
===== Adding Hard Subtitles =====
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf ass=subtitle.ass output.mp4
**NOTE:** The subtitles will be added to the video using the default font styles.
* **-vf** is an alias for **-filter:v**.
* **ass=subtitle.ass** is the name of the filter followed by the name of the ASS subtitle file.
===== References =====