====== ffmpeg - Conversions - Convert H264 to AV1 - libaom - Constant Quality ====== **libaom-av1** has a constant quality (CQ) mode (like CRF in x264 and x265) which will ensure that every frame gets the number of bits it deserves to achieve a certain (perceptual) quality level, rather than encoding each frame to meet a bit rate target. * This results in better overall quality. * If you do not need to achieve a fixed target file size, this should be your method of choice. ---- time ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 30 -f mp4 out.mp4 returns: ... real 260m18.018s user 1514m33.124s sys 0m43.892s **NOTE:** * Input test size: 75.5M * Output test size: 24.5M **NOTE:** * **crf**: This value can be from 0–63. * Lower values mean better quality and greater file size. * 0 means lossless. * A CRF value of 23 yields a quality level corresponding to CRF 19 for x264 (​source), which would be considered visually lossless.