====== ffmpeg - Conversions - Convert FLV to MPG ====== To convert an FLV file to an MPEG file. ---- ===== Software Encoding ===== ffmpeg -i input.flv output.mpg where: * **-i** stands for input. * **output.mpg** is the output file in mpg. ---- For more advanced setting, you can use the command below ffmpeg -i input.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 output.mpg where: * **-ab** is audio bitrate with default of 64kbps. * **-ar** is audio sample-rate with default of 44100Hz. * **-b** is video bitrate with delault of 2000kbps. * **-s** is size with default of 160x128px.