====== Debian - Install - Install Debian 12 ====== Install a default installation. ---- ====== Configure ====== ===== Add user to sudo ===== Open a terminal. su /sbin/usermod -aG sudo peter logout. ---- ===== Install flatpak ===== Open a terminal. sudo apt install flatpak gnome-software-plugin-flatpak **NOTE:** The 2nd package is only needed if running gnome. ---- ===== Add flatpak repository ===== sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo ---- ===== Update Gnome Software ===== Click **Activities**. Click **Gnome software**. Near top right, click on "Restart Now". **NOTE:** This will refresh the software catalog, and will restart **Gnome software**. * Additional software should now be available. ---- ===== Update Text Editor to Flatpak Version ===== Open **Gnome software**. Near top left, click on the magnifying glass icon, which is to search. Type **text editor**. **NOTE:** This should show the Text Editor is already installed. * Additional software should now be available. Click on this Text Editor package. Near top right, it should show under the **Open** button, **Debian GNU/Linux**, and a small triangle. Click the small triangle. **NOTE:** This should show that there is also a **Flathub** version available. * Selecting each of the two options and then scrolling a bit down should show that the **Flathub** version has a newer version than the **Debian GNU/Linux** version. Uninstall the older **Debian GNU/Linux** version, by clicking on the **trashcan** icon near the top right, next to the **Open** button. Install the **Flathub** version by selecting it. ---- ===== Update Firefox to Flatpak Version ===== Remove the ESR version of Firefox. sudo apt remove firefox-esr Open **Gnome software**. Install **Firefox**. **NOTE:** Checking the package details shows this is provided by Mozilla. ---- ===== Update Libreoffice to Flatpak Version ===== Remove the old version of Libreoffice. sudo apt remove libreoffice-common libreoffice-core libreoffice-gnome libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-help-common libreoffice-help-en-us libreoffice-style-colibre libreoffice-style-elementary