====== Citrix - Headset not working ====== Add **AllowAudioInput=True** to the **.ICAClient/wfclient.ini** file in your home directory. [WFClient] ... ... AllowAudioInput=True **NOTE:** Ensure that this **AllowAudioInput=True** is placed within the **[WFClient]** section. ---- ===== Restart an ICA session ===== Disconnect and then reconnect to an ICA Session. ---- ===== Check Audio and Microphone settings ===== In Windows: * Ensure that the Citrix Audio is enabled. {{:citrix:citrix_-_audio_-_enabled.png?600|}} * Ensure that the Citrix Microphone is enabled. {{:citrix:citrix_-_microphone_-_enabled.png?600|}} In Skype for Businesss, notice that both Speaker and Microphone refer to **Citrix HDX Audio**. {{:citrix:citrix_-_skype_-_audio_and_microphone_settings.png?600|}} **NOTE:** Test that the Audio and Microphone are both working by clicking on the **Check Call Quality** button. Remember also to configure your device's audio and recording settings appropriately.