====== Characters - Character Codes ====== ===== Synopsis ===== * **Character**: The special character. * **Name of Character**: The name of the character. * **Alt Code**: The Alt code is probably the quickest and most efficient way to produce a special character. Hold the "Alt" button on your keyboard, type the specified number (on the numeric keypad), and let go of Alt. This works in most word processors, and Alt codes using numbers less than 256 will work on most web pages. * **Character Code**: The character code is the hexadecimal code that is assigned to every character, including regular characters. It can also be used in Microsoft Word to produce special characters. Type the character code for a character, and then hold Alt and press X. * **Name Code**: The name code works only on web pages — not in word processor documents. Simply type a character's name code in your page's HTML, and the character will appear on the page in its place. Internet codes for characters with number codes over 255 may not work in all situations. * **Number Code**: The number code, like the name code, works only on web pages — not in word processor documents. However, the scope of number codes is much more broad, giving it a decisive advantage over name codes. Simply type a character's number code in your page's HTML, and the character will appear on the page in its place. * **Shortcut Key**: The shortcut key can be used with Microsoft Word. Let's take Ctrl + Shift + 6, u, for example. To produce the character associated with this code, hold down Ctrl, Shift, and 6, and then let go. Then, when the "u" key is pressed, the character, û, appears. How to use combining diacritical marks: * Combining diacritical marks can be used to add a diacritical mark to a desired character. * Type the number code for the desired mark immediately after the character you would like to add it to. * For example, typing My name is B̃ob would appear as My name is B̃ob. * Note that this only works for the characters labeled as combining marks (combining grave, combining acute, combining tilde, combining hook above, and combining dot below). ---- ==== A ==== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |À|Capital A with grave|Alt + 0192|00C0|À|À|Ctrl + ` + Shift + a| |à|Lowercase a with grave|Alt + 133 or Alt + 0224|00E0|à|à|Ctrl + ` + a| |Á|Capital A with acute|Alt + 0193|00C1|Á|Á|Ctrl + ' + Shift + a| |á|Lowercase a with acute|Alt + 160 or Alt + 0225|00E1|á|á|Ctrl + ' + a| |Â|Capital A with circumflex|Alt + 0194|00C2|Â|Â|Ctrl + Shift + 6 + a| |â|Lowercase a with circumflex|Alt + 131 or Alt + 0226|00E2|â|â|Ctrl + Shift + 6, a| |Ã|Capital A with tilde|Alt + 0195|00C3|Ã|Ã|Ctrl + Shift + ` + a| |ã|Lowercase a with tilde|Alt + 0227|00E3|ã|ã|Ctrl + Shift + `, a| |Ä|Capital A with umlaut|Alt + 142 or Alt + 0196|00C4|Ä|Ä|Ctrl + Shift + ; + a| |ä|Lowercase a with umlaut|Alt + 132 or Alt + 0228|00E4|ä|ä|Ctrl + Shift + ;, a| |Å|Capital A with ring above|Alt + 143 or Alt + 0197|00C5|Å|Å|Ctrl + Shift + 2 + a| |å|Lowercase a with ring above|Alt + 134 or Alt + 0229|00E5|å|å|Ctrl + Shift + 2, a| |Ā|Capital A with macron|Alt + 0256|0100| |Ā| | |ā|Lowercase a with macron|Alt + 0257|0101| |ā| | |Ă|Capital A with breve|Alt + 0258|0102| |Ă| | |ă|Lowercase a with breve|Alt + 0259|0103| |ă| | |Ą|Capital A with ogonek|Alt + 0260|0104| |Ą| | |ą|Lowercase a with ogonek|Alt + 0261|0105| |ą| | |Ǎ|Capital A with caron|Alt + 0461|01CD| |Ǎ| | |ǎ|Lowercase a with caron|Alt + 0462|01CE| |ǎ| | |Ǻ|Capital A with ring above and acute|Alt + 0506|01FA| |Ǻ| | |ǻ|Lowercase a with ring above and acute|Alt + 0507|01FB| |ǻ| | |Ạ|Capital A with dot below|Alt + 7840|1EA0| |Ạ| | |ạ|Lowercase a with dot below|Alt + 7841|1EA1| |ạ| | |Ả|Capital A with hook above|Alt + 7842|1EA2| |Ả| | |ả|Lowercase a with hook above|Alt + 7843|1EA3| |ả| | |Ấ|Capital A with circumflex and acute|Alt + 7844|1EA4| |Ấ| | |ấ|Lowercase a with circumflex and acute|Alt + 7845|1EA5| |ấ| | |Ầ|Capital A with circumflex and grave|Alt + 7846|1EA6| |Ầ| | |ầ|Lowercase a with circumflex and grave|Alt + 7847|1EA7| |ầ| | |Ẩ|Capital A with circumflex and hook above|Alt + 7848|1EA8| |Ẩ| | |ẩ|Lowercase a with circumflex and hook above|Alt + 7849|1EA9| |ẩ| | |Ẫ|Capital A with circumflex and tilde|Alt + 7850|1EAA| |Ẫ| | |ẫ|Lowercase a with circumflex and tilde|Alt + 7851|1EAB| |ẫ| | |Ậ|Capital A with circumflex and dot below|Alt + 7852|1EAC| |Ậ| | |ậ|Lowercase a with circumflex and dot below|Alt + 7853|1EAD| |ậ| | |Ắ|Capital A with breve and acute|Alt + 7854|1EAE| |Ắ| | |ắ|Lowercase a with breve and acute|Alt + 7855|1EAF| |ắ| | |Ằ|Capital A with breve and grave|Alt + 7856|1EB0| |Ằ| | |ằ|Lowercase a with breve and grave|Alt + 7857|1EB1| |ằ| | |Ẳ|Capital A with breve and hook above|Alt + 7858|1EB2| |Ẳ| | |ẳ|Lowercase a with breve and hook above|Alt + 7859|1EB3| |ẳ| | |Ẵ|Capital A with breve and tilde|Alt + 7860|1EB4| |Ẵ| | |ẵ|Lowercase a with breve and tilde|Alt + 7861|1EB5| |ẵ| | |Ặ|Capital A with breve and dot below|Alt + 7862|1EB6| |Ặ| | |ặ|Lowercase a with breve and dot below|Alt + 7863|1EB7| |ặ| | ---- ===== C ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ç|Capital C with cedilla|Alt + 128 or Alt + 0199|00C7|Ç|Ç|Ctrl + , + Shift + c| |ç|Lowercase c with cedilla|Alt + 135 or Alt + 0231|00E7|ç|ç|Ctrl + Shift + 6, a| |Ć|Capital C with acute|Alt + 0262|0106| |Ć| | |ć|Lowercase c with acute|Alt + 0263|0107| |ć| | |Ĉ|Capital C with circumflex|Alt + 0264|0108| |Ĉ| | |ĉ|Lowercase c with circumflex|Alt + 0265|0109| |ĉ| | |Ċ|Capital C with dot above|Alt + 0266|010A| |Ċ| | |ċ|Lowercase c with dot above|Alt + 0267|010B| |ċ| | |Č|Capital C with caron|Alt + 0268|010C| |Č| | |č|Lowercase c with caron|Alt + 0269|010D| |č| | ---- ===== D ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ď|Capital D with caron|Alt + 0270|010E| |Ď| | |ď|Lowercase d with caron|Alt + 0271|010F| |ď| | |Đ|Capital D with stroke|Alt + 0272|0110| |Đ| | |đ|Lowercase d with stroke|Alt + 0273|0111| |đ| | ---- ===== E ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |È|Capital E with grave|Alt + 0200|00C8|È|È|Ctrl + ` + Shift + e| |è|Lowercase e with grave|Alt + 138 or Alt + 0232|00E8|è|è|Ctrl + ` + e| |É|Capital E with acute|Alt + 144 or Alt + 0201|00C9|É|É|Ctrl + ' + Shift + e| |é|Lowercase e with acute|Alt + 130 or Alt + 0233|00E9|é|é|Ctrl + ' + e| |Ê|Capital E with circumflex|Alt + 0202|00CA|Ê|Ê|Ctrl + Shift + 6 + e| |ê|Lowercase e with circumflex|Alt + 136 or Alt + 0234|00EA|ê|ê|Ctrl + Shift + 6, e| |Ë|Capital E with umlaut|Alt + 0203|00CB|Ë|Ë|Ctrl + Shift + ; + e| |ë|Lowercase e with umlaut|Alt + 137 or Alt + 0235|00EB|ë|ë|Ctrl + Shift + ;, e| |Ē|Capital E with macron|Alt + 0274|0112| |Ē| | |ē|Lowercase e with macron|Alt + 0275|0113| |ē| | |Ĕ|Capital E with breve|Alt + 0276|0114| |Ĕ| | |ĕ|Lowercase e with breve|Alt + 0277|0115| |ĕ| | |Ė|Capital E with dot above|Alt + 0278|0116| |Ė| | |ė|Lowercase e with dot above|Alt + 0279|0117| |ė| | |Ę|Capital E with ogonek|Alt + 0280|0118| |Ę| | |ę|Lowercase e with ogonek|Alt + 0281|0119| |ę| | |Ě|Capital E with caron|Alt + 0282|011A| |Ě| | |ě|Lowercase e with caron|Alt + 0283|011B| |ě| | |Ẹ|Capital E with dot below|Alt + 7864|1EB8| |Ẹ| | |ẹ|Lowercase e with dot below|Alt + 7865|1EB9| |ẹ| | |Ẻ|Capital E with hook above|Alt + 7866|1EBA| |Ẻ| | |ẻ|Lowercase e with hook above|Alt + 7867|1EBB| |ẻ| | |Ẽ|Capital E with tilde|Alt + 7868|1EBC| |Ẽ| | |ẽ|Lowercase e with tilde|Alt + 7869|1EBD| |ẽ| | |Ế|Capital E with circumflex and acute|Alt + 7870|1EBE| |Ế| | |ế|Lowercase e with circumflex and acute|Alt + 7871|1EBF| |ế| | |Ề|Capital E with circumflex and grave|Alt + 7872|1EC0| |Ề| | |ề|Lowercase e with circumflex and grave|Alt + 7873|1EC1| |ề| | |Ể|Capital E with circumflex and hook above|Alt + 7874|1EC2| |Ể| | |ể|Lowercase e with circumflex and hook above|Alt + 7875|1EC3| |ể| | |Ễ|Capital E with circumflex and tilde|Alt + 7876|1EC4| |Ễ| | |ễ|Lowercase e with circumflex and tilde|Alt + 7877|1EC5| |ễ| | |Ệ|Capital E with circumflex and dot below|Alt + 7878|1EC6| |Ệ| | |ệ|Lowercase e with circumflex and dot below|Alt + 7879|1EC7| |ệ| | ---- ===== F ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |ƒ|Lowercase f with hook|Alt + 159 or Alt + 0402|0192| |ƒ| | ---- ===== G ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ĝ|Capital G with circumflex|Alt + 0284|011C| |Ĝ| | |ĝ|Lowercase g with circumflex|Alt + 0285|011D| |ĝ| | |Ğ|Capital G with breve|Alt + 0286|011E| |Ğ| | |ğ|Lowercase g with breve|Alt + 0287|011F| |ğ| | |Ġ|Capital G with dot above|Alt + 0288|0120| |Ġ| | |ġ|Lowercase g with dot above|Alt + 0289|0121| |ġ| | |Ģ|Capital G with cedilla|Alt + 0290|0122| |Ģ| | |ģ|Lowercase g with cedilla|Alt + 0291|0123| |ģ| | ---- ===== H ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ĥ|Capital H with circumflex|Alt + 0292|0124| |Ĥ| | |ĥ|Lowercase h with circumflex|Alt + 0293|0125| |ĥ| | |Ħ|Capital H with stroke|Alt + 0294|0126| |Ħ| | |ħ|Lowercase h with stroke|Alt + 0295|0127| |ħ| | ---- ===== I ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ì|Capital I with grave|Alt + 0204|00CC|Ì|Ì|Ctrl + ` + Shift + i| |ì|Lowercase i with grave|Alt + 141 or Alt + 0236|00EC|ì|ì|Ctrl + ` + i| |Í|Capital I with acute|Alt + 0205|00CD|Í|Í|Ctrl + ' + Shift + i| |í|Lowercase i with acute|Alt + 161 or Alt + 0237|00ED|í|í|Ctrl + ' + i| |Î|Capital I with circumflex|Alt + 0206|00CE|Î|Î|Ctrl + Shift + 6 + i| |î|Lowercase i with circumflex|Alt + 140 or Alt + 0238|00EE|î|î|Ctrl + Shift + 6, i| |Ï|Capital I with umlaut|Alt + 0207|00CF|Ï|Ï|Ctrl + Shift + ; + i| |ï|Lowercase i with umlaut|Alt + 139 or Alt + 0239|00EF|ï|ï|Ctrl + Shift + ;, i| |Ĩ|Capital I with tilde|Alt + 0296|0128| |Ĩ| | |ĩ|Lowercase i with tilde|Alt + 0297|0129| |ĩ| | |Ī|Capital I with macron|Alt + 0298|012A| |Ī| | |ī|Lowercase i with macron|Alt + 0299|012B| |ī| | |Ĭ|Capital I with breve|Alt + 0300|012C| |Ĭ| | |ĭ|Lowercase i with breve|Alt + 0301|012D| |ĭ| | |Į|Capital I with ogonek|Alt + 0302|012E| |Į| | |į|Lowercase i with ogonek|Alt + 0303|012F| |į| | |İ|Capital I with dot above|Alt + 0304|0130| |İ| | |ı|Lowercase dotless i|Alt + 0305|0131| |ı| | |Ǐ|Capital I with caron|Alt + 0463|01CF| |Ǐ| | |ǐ|Lowercase i with caron|Alt + 0464|01D0| |ǐ| | |Ỉ|Capital I with hook above|Alt + 7880|1EC8| |Ỉ| | |ỉ|Lowercase i with hook above|Alt + 7881|1EC9| |ỉ| | |Ị|Capital I with dot below|Alt + 7882|1ECA| |Ị| | |ị|Lowercase i with dot below|Alt + 7883|1ECB| |ị| | ---- ===== J ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ĵ|Capital J with circumflex|Alt + 0308|0134| |Ĵ| | |ĵ|Lowercase j with circumflex|Alt + 0309|0135| |ĵ| | ---- ===== K ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ķ|Capital K with cedilla|Alt + 0310|0136| |Ķ| | |ķ|Lowercase k with cedilla|Alt + 0311|0137| |ķ| | ---- ===== L ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ĺ|Capital L with acute|Alt + 0313|0139| |Ĺ| | |ĺ|Lowercase l with acute|Alt + 0314|013A| |ĺ| | |Ļ|Capital L with cedilla|Alt + 0315|013B| |Ļ| | |ļ|Lowercase l with cedilla|Alt + 0316|013C| |ļ| | |Ľ|Capital L with caron|Alt + 0317|013D| |Ľ| | |ľ|Lowercase l with caron|Alt + 0318|013E| |ľ| | |Ŀ|Capital L with middle dot|Alt + 0319|013F| |Ŀ| | |ŀ|Lowercase l with middle dot|Alt + 0320|0140| |ŀ| | |Ł|Capital L with stroke|Alt + 0321|0141| |Ł| | |ł|Lowercase l with stroke|Alt + 0322|0142| |ł| | |ℓ|Script lowercase l|Alt + 8467|2113| |ℓ| | ---- ===== N ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ñ|Capital N with tilde|Alt + 165 or Alt + 0209|00D1|Ñ|Ñ|Ctrl + Shift + ` + n| |ñ|Lowercase n with tilde|Alt + 164 or Alt + 0241|00F1|ñ|ñ|Ctrl + Shift + `, n| |Ń|Capital N with acute|Alt + 0323|0143| |Ń| | |ń|Lowercase n with acute|Alt + 0324|0144| |ń| | |Ņ|Capital N with cedilla|Alt + 0325|0145| |Ņ| | |ņ|Lowercase n with cedilla|Alt + 0326|0146| |ņ| | |Ň|Capital N with caron|Alt + 0327|0147| |Ň| | |ň|Lowercase n with caron|Alt + 0328|0148| |ň| | |ʼn|Lowercase n preceded by apostrophe|Alt + 0329|0149| |ʼn| | ---- ===== O ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ò|Capital O with grave|Alt + 0210|00D2|Ò|Ò|Ctrl + ` + Shift + o| |ò|Lowercase o with grave|Alt + 149 or Alt + 0242|00F2|ò|ò|Ctrl + ` + o| |Ó|Capital O with acute|Alt + 0211|00D3|Ó|Ó|Ctrl + ' + Shift + o| |ó|Lowercase o with acute|Alt + 162 or Alt + 0243|00F3|ó|ó|Ctrl + ` + o| |Ô|Capital O with circumflex|Alt + 0212|00D4|Ô|Ô|Ctrl + Shift + 6 + o| |ô|Lowercase o with circumflex|Alt + 147 or Alt + 0244|00F4|ô|ô|Ctrl + Shift + 6, o| |Õ|Capital O with tilde|Alt + 0213|00D5|Õ|Õ|Ctrl + Shift + ` + o| |õ|Lowercase o with tilde|Alt + 0245|00F5|õ|õ|Ctrl + Shift + `, o| |Ö|Capital O with umlaut|Alt + 153 or Alt + 0214|00D6|Ö|Ö|Ctrl + Shift + ; + o| |ö|Lowercase o with umlaut|Alt + 148 or Alt + 0246|00F6|ö|ö|Ctrl + Shift + ;, o| |Ø|Capital O with slash|Alt + 0216|00D8|Ø|Ø|Ctrl + / + Shift + o| |ø|Lowercase o with slash|Alt + 0248|00F8|ø|ø|Ctrl + / + o| |Ō|Capital O with macron|Alt + 0332|014C| |Ō| | |ō|Lowercase o with macron|Alt + 0333|014D| |ō| | |Ŏ|Capital O with breve|Alt + 0334|014E| |Ŏ| | |ŏ|Lowercase o with breve|Alt + 0335|014F| |ŏ| | |Ő|Capital O with double acute|Alt + 0336|0150| |Ő| | |ő|Lowercase o with double acute|Alt + 0337|0151| |ő| | |Ơ|Capital O with horn|Alt + 0416|01A0| |Ơ| | |ơ|Lowercase o with horn|Alt + 0417|01A1| |ơ| | |Ǒ|Capital O with caron|Alt + 0465|01D1| |Ǒ| | |ǒ|Lowercase o with caron|Alt + 0466|01D2| |ǒ| | |Ǿ|Capital O with stroke and acute|Alt + 0510|01FE| |Ǿ| | |ǿ|Lowercase o with stroke and acute|Alt + 0511|01FF| |ǿ| | |Ọ|Capital O with dot below|Alt + 7884|1ECC| |Ọ| | |ọ|Lowercase o with dot below|Alt + 7885|1ECD| |ọ| | |Ỏ|Capital O with hook above|Alt + 7886|1ECE| |Ỏ| | |ỏ|Lowercase o with hook above|Alt + 7887|1ECF| |ỏ| | |Ố|Capital O with circumflex and acute|Alt + 7888|1ED0| |Ố| | |ố|Lowercase o with circumflex and acute|Alt + 7889|1ED1| |ố| | |Ồ|Capital O with circumflex and grave|Alt + 7890|1ED2| |Ồ| | |ồ|Lowercase o with circumflex and grave|Alt + 7891|1ED3| |ồ| | |Ổ|Capital O with circumflex and hook above|Alt + 7892|1ED4| |Ổ| | |ổ|Lowercase o with circumflex and hook above|Alt + 7893|1ED5| |ổ| | |Ỗ|Capital O with circumflex and tilde|Alt + 7894|1ED6| |Ỗ| | |ỗ|Lowercase o with circumflex and tilde|Alt + 7895|1ED7| |ỗ| | |Ộ|Capital O with circumflex and dot below|Alt + 7896|1ED8| |Ộ| | |ộ|Lowercase o with circumflex and dot below|Alt + 7897|1ED9| |ộ| | |Ớ|Capital O with horn and acute|Alt + 7898|1EDA| |Ớ| | |ớ|Lowercase o with horn and acute|Alt + 7899|1EDB| |ớ| | |Ờ|Capital O with horn and grave|Alt + 7900|1EDC| |Ờ| | |ờ|Lowercase o with horn and grave|Alt + 7901|1EDD| |ờ| | |Ở|Capital O with horn and hook above|Alt + 7902|1EDE| |Ở| | |ở|Lowercase o with horn and hook above|Alt + 7903|1EDF| |ở| | |Ỡ|Capital O with horn and tilde|Alt + 7904|1EE0| |Ỡ| | |ỡ|Lowercase o with horn and tilde|Alt + 7905|1EE1| |ỡ| | |Ợ|Capital O with horn and dot below|Alt + 7906|1EE2| |Ợ| | |ợ|Lowercase o with horn and dot below|Alt + 7907|1EE3| |ợ| | ---- ===== R ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ŕ|Capital R with acute|Alt + 0340|0154| |Ŕ| | |ŕ|Lowercase r with acute|Alt + 0341|0155| |ŕ| | |Ŗ|Capital R with cedilla|Alt + 0342|0156| |Ŗ| | |ŗ|Lowercase r with cedilla|Alt + 0343|0157| |ŗ| | |Ř|Capital R with caron|Alt + 0344|0158| |Ř| | |ř|Lowercase r with caron|Alt + 0345|0159| |ř| | ---- ===== S ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ś|Capital S with acute|Alt + 0346|015A| |Ś| | |ś|Lowercase s with acute|Alt + 0347|015B| |ś| | |Ŝ|Capital S with circumflex|Alt + 0348|015C| |Ŝ| | |ŝ|Lowercase s with circumflex|Alt + 0349|015D| |ŝ| | |Ş|Capital S with cedilla|Alt + 0350|015E| |Ş| | |ş|Lowercase s with cedilla|Alt + 0351|015F| |ş| | |Š|Capital S with caron|Alt + 0352|0160| |Š|Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 6 + s| |š|Lowercase s with caron|Alt + 0353|0161| |š|Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 6, s| ---- ===== T ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ţ|Capital T with cedilla|Alt + 0354|0162| |Ţ| | |ţ|Lowercase t with cedilla|Alt + 0355|0163| |ţ| | |Ť|Capital T with caron|Alt + 0356|0164| |Ť| | |ť|Lowercase t with caron|Alt + 0357|0165| |ť| | |Ŧ|Capital T with stroke|Alt + 0358|0166| |Ŧ| | |ŧ|Lowercase t with stroke|Alt + 0359|0167| |ŧ| | ---- ===== U ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ù|Capital U with grave|Alt + 0217|00D9|Ù|Ù|Ctrl + ` + Shift + u| |ù|Lowercase u with grave|Alt + 151 or Alt + 0249|00F9|ù|ù|Ctrl + ` + u| |Ú|Capital U with acute|Alt + 0218|00DA|Ú|Ú|Ctrl + ' + Shift + u| |ú|Lowercase u with acute|Alt + 163 or Alt + 0250|00F9|ú|ú|Ctrl + ' + u| |Û|Capital U with circumflex|Alt + 0219|00DB|Û|Û|Ctrl + Shift + 6 + u| |û|Lowercase u with circumflex|Alt + 150 or Alt + 0251|00FB|û|û|Ctrl + Shift + 6, u| |Ü|Capital U with umlaut|Alt + 154 or Alt + 0220|00DC|Ü|Ü|Ctrl + Shift + ; + u| |ü|Lowercase u with umlaut|Alt + 129 or Alt + 0252|00FC|ü|ü|Ctrl + Shift + ;, u| |Ũ|Capital U with tilde|Alt + 0360|0168| |Ũ| | |ũ|Lowercase u with tilde|Alt + 0361|0169| |ũ| | |Ū|Capital U with macron|Alt + 0362|016A| |Ū| | |ū|Lowercase u with macron|Alt + 0363|016B| |ū| |Ŭ|Capital U with breve|Alt + 0364|016C| |Ŭ| | |ŭ|Lowercase u with breve|Alt + 0365|016D| |ŭ| | |Ů|Capital U with ring above|Alt + 0366|016E| |Ů| | |ů|Lowercase u with ring above|Alt + 0367|016F| |ů| | |Ű|Capital U with double acute|Alt + 0368|0170| |Ű| | |ű|Lowercase u with double acute|Alt + 0369|0171| |ű| | |Ų|Capital U with ogonek|Alt + 0370|0172| |Ų| | |ų|Lowercase u with ogonek|Alt + 0371|0173| |ų| | |Ư|Capital U with horn|Alt + 0431|01AF| |Ư| | |ư|Lowercase u with horn|Alt + 0432|01B0| |ư| | |Ǔ|Capital U with caron|Alt + 0467|01D3| |Ǔ| | |ǔ|Lowercase u with caron|Alt + 0468|01D4| |ǔ| | |Ǖ|Capital U with umlaut and macron|Alt + 0469|01D5| |Ǖ| | |ǖ|Lowercase u with umlaut and macron|Alt + 0470|01D6| |ǖ| | |Ǘ|Lowercase u with umlaut and macron|Alt + 0470|01D6| |ǖ| | |Ǘ|Capital U with umlaut and acute|Alt + 0471|01D7| |Ǘ| | |ǘ|Lowercase u with umlaut and acute|Alt + 0472|01D8| |ǘ| | |Ǚ|Capital U with umlaut and caron|Alt + 0473|01D9| |Ǚ| | |ǚ|Lowercase u with umlaut and caron|Alt + 0474|01DA| |ǚ| | |Ǜ|Capital U with umlaut and grave|Alt + 0475|01DB| |Ǜ| | |ǜ|Lowercase u with umlaut and grave|Alt + 0476|01DC| |ǜ| | |Ụ|Capital U with dot below|Alt + 7908|1EE4| |Ụ| | |ụ|Lowercase u with dot below|Alt + 7909|1EE5| |ụ| | |Ủ|Capital U with hook above|Alt + 7910|1EE6| |Ủ| | |ủ|Lowercase u with hook above|Alt + 7911|1EE7| |ủ| | |Ứ|Capital U with horn and acute|Alt + 7912|1EE8| |Ứ| | |ứ|Lowercase u with horn and acute|Alt + 7913|1EE9| |ứ| | |Ừ|Capital U with horn and grave|Alt + 7914|1EEA| |Ừ| | |ừ|Lowercase u with horn and grave|Alt + 7915|1EEB| |ừ| | |Ử|Capital U with horn and hook above|Alt + 7916|1EEC| |Ử| | |ử|Lowercase u with horn and hook above|Alt + 7917|1EED| |ử| | |Ữ|Capital U with horn and tilde|Alt + 7918|1EEE| |Ữ| | |ữ|Lowercase u with horn and tilde|Alt + 7919|1EEF| |ữ| | |Ự|Capital U with horn and dot below|Alt + 7920|1EF0| |Ự| | |ự|Lowercase u with horn and dot below|Alt + 7921|1EF1| |ự| | ---- ===== W ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ŵ|Capital W with circumflex|Alt + 0372|0174| |Ŵ| | |ŵ|Lowercase w with circumflex|Alt + 0373|0175| |ŵ| | |Ẁ|Capital W with grave|Alt + 7808|1E80| |Ẁ| | |ẁ|Lowercase w with grave|Alt + 7809|1E81| |ẁ| | |Ẃ|Capital W with acute|Alt + 7810|1E82| |Ẃ| | |ẃ|Lowercase w with acute|Alt + 7811|1E83| |ẃ| | |Ẅ|Capital W with umlaut|Alt + 7812|1E84| |Ẅ| | |ẅ|Lowercase w with umlaut|Alt + 7813|1E85| |ẅ| | ---- ===== Y ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ý|Capital Y with acute|Alt + 0221|00DD|Ý|Ý|Ctrl + ' + Shift + y| |ý|Lowercase y with acute|Alt + 0253|00FD|ý|ý|Ctrl + ' + y| |Ÿ|Capital Y with umlaut|Alt + 0376|0178| |Ÿ|Ctrl + Shift + ; + y| |ÿ|Lowercase y with umlaut|Alt + 152 or Alt + 0255|00FF|ÿ|ÿ|Ctrl + Shift + ;, y| |Ŷ|Capital Y with circumflex|Alt + 0374|0176| |Ŷ| | |ŷ|Lowercase y with circumflex|Alt + 0375|0177| |ŷ| | |Ỳ|Capital Y with grave|Alt + 7922|1EF2| |Ỳ| | |ỳ|Lowercase y with grave|Alt + 7923|1EF3| |ỳ| | |Ỵ|Capital Y with dot below|Alt + 7924|1EF4| |Ỵ| | |ỵ|Lowercase y with dot below|Alt + 7925|1EF5| |ỵ| | |Ỷ|Capital Y with hook above|Alt + 7926|1EF6| |Ỷ| | |ỷ|Lowercase y with hook above|Alt + 7927|1EF7| |ỷ| | |Ỹ|Capital Y with tilde|Alt + 7928|1EF8| |Ỹ| | |ỹ|Lowercase y with tilde|Alt + 7929|1EF9| |ỹ| | ---- ===== Z ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Ź|Capital Z with acute|Alt + 0377|0179| |Ź| | |ź|Lowercase z with acute|Alt + 0378|017A| |ź| | |Ż|Capital Z with dot above|Alt + 0379|017B| |Ż| | |ż|Lowercase z with dot above|Alt + 0380|017C| |ż| | |Ž|Capital Z with caron|Alt + 0381|017D| |Ž| | |ž|Lowercase z with caron|Alt + 0382|017E| |ž| | ---- ===== Other Letters ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |Æ|Capital AE|Alt + 146 or Alt + 0198|00C6|Æ|Æ|Ctrl + Shift + 7 + a| |æ|Lowercase ae|Alt + 145 or Alt + 0230|00E6|æ|æ|Ctrl + Shift + 7, a| |Ǽ|Capital AE with acute|Alt + 0508|01FC| |Ǽ| | |ǽ|Lowercase ae with acute|Alt + 0509|01FD| |ǽ| | |IJ|Capital IJ|Alt + 0306|0132| |IJ| | |ij|Lowercase ij|Alt + 0307|0133| |ij| | |ĸ|Lowercase kra|Alt + 0312|0138| |ĸ| | |Ŋ|Capital Eng|Alt + 0330|014A| |Ŋ| | |ŋ|Lowercase eng|Alt + 0331|014B| |ŋ| | |Œ|Capital OE|Alt + 0338|0152| |Œ|Ctrl + Shift + 7 + o| |œ|Lowercase oe|Alt + 0339|0153| |œ|Ctrl + Shift + 7, o| |ſ|Lowercase long s|Alt + 0383|017F| |ſ| | |ß|Lowercase sharp s|Alt + 0223|00DF|ß|ß|Ctrl + Shift + 7, s| |Ə|Capital Schwa|Alt + 0399|018F| |Ə| | |ə|Lowercase schwa|Alt + 0601|0259| |ə| | |Ð|Capital Eth (Icelandic)|Alt + 0208|00D0|Ð|Ð|Ctrl + ' + Shift + d| |ð|Lowercase eth (Icelandic)|Alt + 0240|00F0|ð|ð|Ctrl + ' + d| |Þ|Capital Thorn (Icelandic)|Alt + 0222|00DE|Þ|Þ| | |þ|Lowercase thorn (Icelandic)|Alt + 0254|00FE|þ|þ| | ---- ===== Numbers ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |¹|Superscript one|Alt + 0185|00B9|¹|¹| | |²|Superscript two|Alt + 253 or Alt + 0178|00B2|²|²| | |³|Superscript three|Alt + 0179|00B3|³|³| | |½|Vulgar fraction one half|Alt + 171 or Alt + 0189|00BD|½|½| | |⅓|Vulgar fraction one third|Alt + 8531|2153| |⅓| | |⅔|Vulgar fraction two thirds|Alt + 8532|2154| |⅔| | |¼|Vulgar fraction one quarter|Alt + 172 or Alt + 0188|00BC|¼|¼| | |¾|Vulgar fraction three quarters|Alt + 0190|00BE|¾|¾| | |⅕|Vulgar fraction one fifth|Alt + 8533| | |⅕| | |⅖|Vulgar fraction two fifths|Alt + 8534| | |⅖| | |⅗|Vulgar fraction three fifths|Alt + 8535| | |⅗| | |⅘|Vulgar fraction four fifths|Alt + 8536| | |⅘| | |⅙|Vulgar fraction one sixth|Alt + 8537| | |⅙| | |⅚|Vulgar fraction five sixths|Alt + 8538| | |⅚| | |⅛|Vulgar fraction one eighth|Alt + 8539|215B| |⅛| | |⅜|Vulgar fraction three eighths|Alt + 8540|215C| |⅜| | |⅝|Vulgar fraction five eighths|Alt + 8541|215D| |⅝| | |⅞|Vulgar fraction seven eighths|Alt + 8542|215E| |⅞| | ---- ===== Punctuation ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |‼|Double exclamation mark|Alt + 19 or Alt + 8252|203C| |‼| | |¡|Inverted exclamation mark|Alt + 173 or Alt + 0161|00A1|¡|¡|Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1| |¿|Inverted question mark|Alt + 168 or Alt + 0191|00BF|¿|¿|Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /| |“|Left double quotation mark|Alt + 8220|201C|“|“| | |”|Right double quotation mark|Alt + 8221|201D|”|”| | |„|Double low-9 quotation mark|Alt + 8222|201E|„|„| | |‘|Left single quotation mark|Alt + 8216|2018|‘|‘| | |’|Right single quotation mark|Alt + 8217|2019|’|’| | |‚|Single low-9 quotation mark|Alt + 8218|201A|‚|‚| | |‛|Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark|Alt + 8219|201B| |‛| | |«|Left-pointing double angle quotation mark|Alt + 174 or Alt + 0171|00AB|«|«| | |»|Right-pointing double angle quotation mark|Alt + 175 or Alt + 0187|00BB|»|»| | |‹|Single left-pointing angle quotation mark|Alt + 8249|2039|‹|‹| | |›|Single right-pointing angle quotation mark|Alt + 8250|203A|›|›| | |…|Horizontal ellipsis|Alt + 8230|2026| |…| | |–|En dash|Alt + 8211|2013| |–| | |—|Em dash|Alt + 8212|2014| |—| | |―|Horizontal bar|Alt + 8213|2015| |―| | |‗|Double low line|Alt + 8215|2017| |‗| | |‾|Overline|Alt + 8254|203E|‾|‾| | | |Zero width non-joiner|Alt + 8204|200C| |‌| | | |Zero width joiner|Alt + 8205|200D| |‍| | ---- ===== Diacritical Marks ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |¨|Umlaut|Alt + 0168|00A8|¨¨|¨| | |¯|Macron|Alt + 0175|00AF|¯&hibar;|¯| | |´|Acute|Alt + 0180|00B4|´|´|Ctrl + ' + Spacebar| |¸|Cedilla|Alt + 0184|00B8|¸|¸|Ctrl + , + Spacebar| |ˆ|Modifier letter circumflex|Alt + 0710|02C6| |ˆ|Ctrl + Shift + 6, Space| |ˇ|Caron|Alt + 0711|02C7| |ˇ| | |ˉ|Modifier letter macron|Alt + 0713|02C9| |ˉ| | |˘|Breve|Alt + 0728|02D8| |˘| | |˙|Dot above|Alt + 0729|02D9| |˙| | |˚|Ring above|Alt + 0730|02DA| |˚| | |˛|Ogonek|Alt + 0731|02DB| |˛| | |˜|Small tilde|Alt + 0732|02DC| |˜| | |˝|Double acute|Alt + 0733|02DD| |˝| | |̀ |Combining grave accent|Alt + 0768|0300| |̀| | |́ |Combining acute accent|Alt + 0769|0301| |́| | |̃ |Combining tilde|Alt + 0771|0303| |̃| | |̉ |Combining hook above|Alt + 0777|0309| |̉| | |̣ |Combining dot below|Alt + 0803|0323| |̣| | ---- ===== Currency Symbols ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |$|Dollar sign|Alt + 36| | |$| | |¢|Cent sign|Alt + 155 or Alt + 0162|00A2|¢|¢|Ctrl + / + c| |£|Pound sign|Alt + 156 or Alt + 0163|00A3|£|£| | |€|Euro sign|Alt + 0128 or Alt + 8364|20AC| |€| | |¥|Yen sign|Alt + 157 or Alt + 0165|00A5|¥|¥| | |¤|General currency sign|Alt + 0164|00A4|¤|¤| | |₫|Dong sign|Alt + 8363|20AB| |₫| | |ƒ|Dutch florin sign (Aruba)|Alt + 0131| |ƒ|ƒ| | |₣|French franc sign|Alt + 8355|20A3| |₣| | |₤|Lira sign|Alt + 8356|20A4| |₤| | |₪|New sheqel sign|Alt + 8362|20AA| |₪| | |₧|Peseta sign|Alt + 158 or Alt + 8359|20A7|ƒ|₧| | |₨|Rupee sign|Alt + 8360| | |₨| | ---- ===== Miscellaneous Legal and Technical ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |§|Section sign|Alt + 21 or Alt + 0167|00A7|§|§| | |©|Copyright sign|Alt + 0169|00A9|©|©|Ctrl + Alt + c| |®|Registered trademark sign|Alt + 0174|00AE|®|®|Ctrl + Alt + r| |ª|Feminine ordinal indicator|Alt + 166 or Alt + 0170|00AA|ª|ª| | |¬|Not sign|Alt + 170 or Alt + 0172|00AC|¬|¬| | |⌐|Reversed not sign|Alt + 169 or Alt + 8976|2310| |⌐| | |µ|Micro sign|Alt + 0181|00B5|µ|µ| | |‰|Per mille sign|Alt + 8240|2030|‰|‰| | |′|Prime|Alt + 8242|2032| |′| | |″|Double prime|Alt + 8243|2033| |″| | |℅|Care of|Alt + 8453|2105| |℅| | |№|Numero sign|Alt + 8470|2116| |№| | |™|Trademark sign|Alt + 8482|2122|™|™| | |Ω|Ohm sign|Alt + 8486|2126| |Ω| | |⌂|House|Alt + 127 or Alt + 8962|2302| |⌂| | ---- ===== Shapes and Shading ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |▀|Upper half block|Alt + 223 or Alt + 9600|2580| |▀| | |▄|Lower half block|Alt + 220 or Alt + 9604|2584| |▄| | |█|Full block|Alt + 219 or Alt + 9608|2588| |█| | |▌|Left half block|Alt + 221 or Alt + 9612|258C| |▌| | |▐|Right half block|Alt + 222 or Alt + 9616|2590| |▐| | |░|Light shade|Alt + 176 or Alt + 9617|2591| |░| | |▒|Medium shade|Alt + 177 or Alt + 9618|2592| |▒| | |▓|Dark shade|Alt + 178 or Alt + 9619|2593| |▓| | |■|Black square|Alt + 254 or Alt + 9632|25A0| |■| | |□|White square|Alt + 9633|25A1| |□| | |▪|Black small square|Alt + 9642|25AA| |▪| | |▫|White small square|Alt + 9643|25AB| |▫| | |▬|Black rectangle|Alt + 22 or Alt + 9644|25AC| |▬| | |▲|Black up-pointing triangle|Alt + 30 or Alt + 9650|25B2| |▲| | |►|Black right-pointing pointer|Alt + 16 or Alt + 9658|25BA| |►| | |▼|Black down-pointing triangle|Alt + 31 or Alt + 9660|25BC| |▼| | |◄|Black left-pointing pointer|Alt + 17 or Alt + 9668|25C4| |◄| | |◊|Lozenge|Alt + 9674|25CA| |◊| | |○|White circle|Alt + 9 or Alt + 9675|25CB| |○| | |●|Black circle|Alt + 9679|25CF| |●| | |◘|Inverse bullet|Alt + 8 or Alt + 9688|25D8| |◘| | |◙|Inverse white circle|Alt + 10 or Alt + 9689|25D9| |◙| | |◦|White bullet|Alt + 9702|25E6| |◦| | ---- ===== Dingbats ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |☺|White smiling face|Alt + 1 or Alt + 9786|263A| |☺| | |☻|Black smiling face|Alt + 2 or Alt + 214 or Alt + 9787|263B| |☻| | |☼|White sun with rays|Alt + 15 or Alt + 9788|263C| |☼| | |♀|Female sign|Alt + 12 or Alt + 9792|2640| |♀| | |♂|Male sign|Alt + 11 or Alt + 9794|2642| |♂| | |♠|Spade suit|Alt + 6 or Alt + 9824|2660|♠|♠| | |♣|Club suit|Alt + 5 or Alt + 9827|2663|♣|♣| | |♥|Heart suit|Alt + 3 or Alt + 9829|2665|♥|♥| | |♦|Diamond suit|Alt + 4 or Alt + 9830|2666|♦|♦| | |♪|Eighth note|Alt + 13 or Alt + 9834|266A| |♪| | |♫|Beamed eighth notes|Alt + 14 or Alt + 9835|266B| |♫| | ---- ===== Mathematical Symbols ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |+|Plus sign|Alt + 43| | |+| | |−|Minus sign|Alt + 8722|2212|−|−| | |×|Multiplication sign|Alt + 0215|00D7|×|×| | |÷|Division sign|Alt + 246 or Alt + 0247|00F7|÷|÷| | |=|Equal sign|Alt + 61| | |=| | |±|Plus/minus sign|Alt + 241 or Alt + 0177|00B1|±|±| | |π|Greek lowercase letter pi| |03C0|π|π or ⁄| | |⁄|Fraction slash|Alt + 8260|2044| |⁄| | |ⁿ|Superscript lowercase n|Alt + 252 or Alt + 8319|207F| |ⁿ| | |℮|Estimated symbol|Alt + 8494|212E| |℮| | |∂|Partial differential|Alt + 8706|2202| |∂| | |∆|Increment|Alt + 8710|2206| |∆| | |∏|N-ary product|Alt + 8719|220F| |∏| | |∑|N-ary summation|Alt + 228 or Alt + 8721|2211|∑|∑| | |∕|Division slash|Alt + 8725|2215| |∕| | |∙|Bullet operator|Alt + 250 or Alt + 8729|2219| |∙| | |√|Square root|Alt + 251 or Alt + 8730|221A|√|√| | |∝|Proportional to|Alt + 8733| |∝|∝| | |∞|Infinity|Alt + 236 or Alt + 8734|221E| |∞| | |∟|Right angle|Alt + 28 or Alt + 8735|221F| |∟| | |∩|Intersection|Alt + 8745|2229| |∩| | |∫|Integral|Alt + 8747|222B|∫|∫| | |⌠|Top half integral|Alt + 244 or Alt + 8992|2320| |⌠| | |⌡|Bottom half integral|Alt + 8993|2321| |⌡| | |≈|Almost equal to|Alt + 247 or Alt + 8776|2248|≈|≈| | |~|Similar (Tilda)|Alt + 126 or Alt + 8764| |∼|∼| | |≅|Congruent|Alt + 8773| |≅|≅| | |≠|Not equal to|Alt + 8800|2260|≠|≠| | |≡|Identical to|Alt + 240 or Alt + 8801|2261|≡|≡| | |<|Less than|Alt + 60| |<|<| | |≤|Less than or equal to|Alt + 243 or Alt + 8804|2264|≤|≤| | |>|Greater than|Alt + 62| |>|<| | |≥|Greater than or equal to|Alt + 242 or Alt + 8805|2265|≥|≥| | |%|Percent|Alt + 37| | |%| | |‰|Per million|Alt + 0137| |‰|‰| | |∠|Angle|Alt + 8736| |∠|∠| | |∴|Therefore|Alt + 8756|∴| |∴| | ---- ===== Miscellaneous ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |¦|Broken vertical bar|Alt + 0166|00A6|¦ or &brkbar;|¦| | |º|Degree sign|Alt + 248 or Alt + 0176|00B0|°|°| | |¶|Paragraph sign|Alt + 20 or Alt + 0182|00B6|¶|¶| | |•|Middle dot|Alt + 249 or Alt + 0183|00B7|·|·| | |•|Bullet|Alt + 7 or Alt + 8226|2022| |•| | |←|Leftwards arrow|Alt + 27 or Alt + 8592|2190|←|←| | |↑|Upwards arrow|Alt + 24 or Alt + 8593|2191|↑|↑| | |→|Rightwards arrow|Alt + 26 or Alt + 8594|2192|→|→| | |↓|Downwards arrow|Alt + 25 or Alt + 8595|2193|↓|↓| | |↔|Left right arrow|Alt + 29 or Alt + 8596|2194| |↔| | |↕|Up down arrow|Alt + 18 or Alt + 23 or Alt + 8597|2195| |↕| | |\|Backslash|Alt + 92| | | | | ---- ===== Superscripts ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |⁰|Superscript 0|Alt + 8304| | |⁰| | |¹|Superscript 1|Alt + 0185| |¹|¹| | |²|Superscript 2|Alt + 0178| |²|²| | |³|Superscript 3|Alt + 0179| |³|³| | |⁴|Superscript 4|Alt + 8308| | |⁴| | |⁵|Superscript 5|Alt + 8309| | |⁵| | |⁶|Superscript 6|Alt + 8310| | |⁶| | |⁷|Superscript 7|Alt + 8311| | |⁷| | |⁸|Superscript 8|Alt + 8312| | |⁸| | |⁹|Superscript 9|Alt + 8313| | |⁹| | ---- ===== Subscripts ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |₀|Subscript 0|Alt + 8320| | |₀| | |₁|Subscript 1|Alt + 8321| | |₁| | |₂|Subscript 2|Alt + 8322| | |₂| | |₃|Subscript 3|Alt + 8323| | |₃| | |₄|Subscript 4|Alt + 8324| | |₄| | |₅|Subscript 5|Alt + 8325| | |₅| | |₆|Subscript 6|Alt + 8326| | |₆| | |₇|Subscript 7|Alt + 8327| | |₇| | |₈|Subscript 8|Alt + 8328| | |₈| | |₉|Subscript 9|Alt + 8329| | |₉| | ---- ===== Tick Mark and Cross ===== ^Character^Name of Character^Alt Code^Character Code^Name Code^Number Code^Shortcut Key^ |✔|Tick|Alt + 0252| | |ü|Type character a and set font to webdings| |:::|:::|Alt + 0254| | |þ|:::| |✖|Cross|Alt + 0251| | |û|Type character r and set font to webdings| |:::|:::|Alt + 0253| | |ý|:::| ---- ===== References ===== http://www.mvdmoosdijk.nl/Misc/Altcodes/Alt-codes_for_characters.htm http://www.keynotesupport.com/websites/special-characters-math-currency.shtml