====== Certificates - Remove the password from a RSA private key ====== To test whether the SSL certificate is password-protected, examine the beginning of the keyfile using the command: head -3 your.key Result: This private key is encrypted: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,C251E8A1254B933D763703EE1C364AB7 This file is not encrypted: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAvbeWtO9nQP4cFFuhGrOM/WQ73oTQHU7mzZB9CaA3R2iwjDNz wwlDtT9tfo0tCC2ib9STfeM6AYrdI3wauzCu7AV4CFGSMP3HLX8DJuk8zzbdQHHv To remove the password from a RSA private key, use the following command: umask 077 mv your.key old-with-pass.key openssl rsa -in old-with-pass.key -out your.key The **umask 077** command is necessary to ensure that the new key is not created with overly relaxed permissions. Alternatively, you can manually change the mode of the file with **chmod 400 new.key**. Depending on the location of the key, you might have to prefix the openssl, mv and chmod commands with sudo.