====== BASH - Files - Difference between a copy of a file and a hard link ====== ^Item^Number of Files^Edit the File^Delete the File^Disk Space Used^ |copy|2 files|The other file is unchanged.|The other file remains.|Twice as much disk space used (two different files)| |hard link|1 file|The other file is also edited.|The other file remains.|Only one file on disk.| |soft link|1 file + 1 link|The other file is also edited.|If you delete the file the link is broken.| |:::|:::|:::|If you remove the link the file stays in place.|Only one file on disk.| ---- copy: * There will be two different versions of the file. * if you edit one, the other one stays the same. * if you delete one, the other one stays there, but it may not be identical if it was edited. * Twice as much disk space used (two different files). hard link: * There will be one file with two different filenames. * If you edit one, it gets edited in all filename locations. * if you delete one, it still exists in other places. * Only one file on disk. soft link: * There is one file with one filename and a pointer to that file with the other filename. * if you edit the link its really editing the original file. * if you delete the file the link is broken. * if you remove the link the file stays in place. * Only one file on disk.