====== BASH - Colors - 24-bit RGB Colors ====== 16777216 Colors. ---- ===== Format ===== ESC[ 38;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB foreground color ESC[ 48;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB background color where: * **R** is RED; values 0 to 255. * **G** is GREEN; values 0 to 255. * **B** is BLUE; values 0 to 255. ---- ===== RED Example ===== echo -e "\033[38;2;155;0;0mThis is in RED" ---- ===== ANSI Rainbow ===== for (( r = 0; r < 255; r++ )); do for (( g = 0; g < 255; g++ )); do for (( b = 0; b < 255; b++ )); do echo -e "\033[38;2;"$r";"$g";"$b"mHello $r $g $b"; done done done ----